Your Remote Check Up

Welcome to our virtual orthodontic check up page!!!   You will find information on how to submit your photos as well as links regarding your particular treatment and what additional information you should submit. We promise this will be easy!!!  You will also find a great YouTube video showing you how to take these photos!

Custom Braces, Hidden Braces, Traditional Braces patients:  See How to

In addition to submitting your photos please leave in the comment section how much you are wearing your rubberbands.  Please be honest! We know it can be hard to get rubber bands in all the time, but the doctor needs a truthful answer to know how you are doing!

Invisalign patients: See How to

In addition to submitting your photos, in the comments section please include 1.) how long per day you are wearing your aligners 2.) how many days you are wearing each aligner before switching to the next one 3.) what aligner you are currently on.

Retainer patients: See How to

In addition to submitting your photos, in the comment section please let us know how many hours a day you are wearing your retainer and how many days a week.  You are super lucky and get to submit photo’s twice!  YAY!!! (no sarcasm at all).  Please submit one set of photos with your retainers in, then come back to the page and submit a second set with your retainers out.  The second set of photos you do not need to do photos of your face.

Please know we are always here for you.  If you need more rubber bands, give us a call, if something is of concern, shoot us a text!  Or if you just want to see Dr. Hardy’s beautiful face, we will get you in. ????

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